
uz irski gulaš!
Petak 16.03.2012.
početak programa u 17:00
Big Bairds (Slovenia)
Irish Maiden Ints - dancers
The Shamrock (Rijeka)
Riona - dancers
Sorry Gallagher & The Bad Pennies
Tradicionalni gost iznenađenja (Ire/Eng)
Subota 17.03.2012.
početak programa u 12:00
Noreia (Slovenia)
Celtic Fantasy - dancers
Ivan & Magda
Irish Maiden - Adv dancers
Celtic Rhytm - dancers (R)
Tribute to Forgotten Times
Ozana (performance only) dancers
Celtic Fantasy - dancers
Irish Maiden - Adv dencers
Celtic Rhtym - dancers (Serbia)
U2 Real Tribute (Italy)


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